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Design Policies

Prior to designing any web site, we perform research to find out what people are actually searching for if they were to look for your type of web site. This enables us to optimize the site for search engine purposes giving you a strong foundation at the very beginning.

Your web site will be finished quickly, if materials are provided in an easy to understand format. Whenever possible, material should be provided electronically in .txt, .doc, .gif, or .jpg formats, on disk or by email. Hard copy material requires retyping and scanning, which will require longer development times. We also appreciate input from you regarding preferred colors and layout prior to beginning the design of your site.

Please see What we need to design your site for additional information that is helpful to us and speeds up the process.

We reserve the right to charge additional fees for any of the following:


Web Site design is charged by the page. Fees include:

We request 1/2 down to start the site and the balance prior to the site going 'live' (accessible to the general public from the domain name http://www.yourdomainname.com). You will be provided access to view the progress of the site development and provide input for desired changes.

When the site is finished and paid for in full - YOU own the copyright to the web site, not us.