Website Maintenance
We will also maintain your web site whenever you need changes and updates. This frees you up to concentrate on what you do best-Run and operate your business.
Why would you want us to maintain your site?
- Frees you up to run your business instead of spending numerous hours learning how to maintain your site
- Quick turnaround -Updates are usually done within 2 to 24 hours, and many times within the hour. (Exceptions on holidays and weekends)
- Accuracy is important to us. We know that your site and the information on it are important to you. We do our best to get it right the first time!
Web Site Maintenance Policy:
- We maintain a current local backup copy of your web site.
- "Maintenance" is defined as keeping the web site current. It is not intended to be a redesign or revamp.
- Updates are completed within 24 hours of the time they are received, except weekends and holidays. Updates received after 3:00pm PST may not be completed until the next business day unless prior arrangements have been made.
- Time is based on actual total time involved in completing the updates at the time of billing (usually on or about the 15th of the month). If no updates or changes have been requested, there is no monthly fee for maintenance.
- Although we make every effort to make accurate changes, it is the client's responsibility to review updates and notify us of any necessary changes that need to be made. We do not charge for changes that are our fault. However, if a change needs to be made due to client error, the regular hourly update fees will be charged.
- We reserve the right to distinguish between "updates" and "new design". New design work is charged at our design rate.
- Updates should be provided electronically (by email) as much as possible. Attachments should be in .txt or .doc (Word) format. Pictures need to be .jpg, .gif. or other suitable image format. Updates may also be sent by postal mail or by fax. These require retyping data or scanning photos and will cost more to complete the changes.
- Your web site may be using third-party components (web site trackers, weather info-feeds, etc.). We have no control over what third party sites do and take no responsibility for loss of information due to actions of these sites. Any changes to your site stemming from regulations of these third party components will be billed at the normal hourly rate. (Example, A retail site might be connected to If requires changes in the code, this will be billed as normal maintenance fees.)
Contact us for details
Results may vary. Success in ANY business is a result of hard work, time and a variety of other factors. No express or implied guarantees of income, search engine ranking, or web site traffic are made when purchasing web site development services.